
Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Located in Su-in Line Memorial Park, Dispersion 1 by Yong Ju Lee is designed for restoring part of narrow-gauge train at one end and being melt into its surroundings at the other. Visitors can experience restored train from dispersed memories as well as the train in the memories melting into the park. This gives people new perception in space and time, who have its memory or not. They can guess the physical train size in history by walking through it. Whole parts are made of one material -stainless steel, which makes strong contrast to nature in park with reflection. By its surreal dispersing figure in the air, Dispersion 1 also provides visual rhythm and whimsy to surroundings.

Dispersion 2 is intended for restoring Su-in thin gage train like Dispersion 1, however inside seats. This line had around 900mm width and individuals have different memories its tight inside. The nature of route and railbed was bad enough and riding was not happy whatsoever. Standing travelers had encountered hard time from shaking. Also, confronting seats are so near to let one individual stroll through scarcely.

Dispersion 2 is restored one side of interior of narrow-gauge train and the other side is dispersed into the park. Visitors can experience its impressive narrowness. At the same time, sitting old woman’s figure brings up the past atmosphere. Through this, visitors can perceive the newly restored interior of narrow-gauge train from the past and the interior melting into the present at the same time. Demateriality and surreality from stainless steel will provide visual refreshment and amusement. As a part of a series with Dispersion 1, Dispersion 2 allows unity to environment of Su-in Line Memorial Park.

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

Dispersion Pixelates Melting Train

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